Rosary Garden

Custom Made Rosaries

Rosary #76 • Sun, Mar 24, 2024

My niece, Michele, was welcomed into the Catholic church at Easter vigil at St. Mary Magdalen Parish in March. She's been through a heck of a journey in recent years and I was very honored when she asked me to be her sponsor. Our conversations were very enlightening and I enjoyed her enthusiasm for our faith and for learning new things. Of course I had to make her a custom rosary to help her in her journey. The bead colors were simple: red Hail Mary beads to represent the blood of Christ and white Our Father beads for purity and joy, characteristics that she exudes without effort.

The centerpiece is a chalice, representing her First Holy Communion. The crucifix is quite unique, with a Miraculous Medal hanging on one side and a St. Benedict Medal on the other. The words "Jesus Nazaremus Rex Judaeurum", latin for "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" are across the top.