Rosary Garden

Custom Made Rosaries

Rosary #45 • Mon, Mar 14, 2022

Pegi, a high school classmate of mine, contacted me to see if I'd make a rosary for her to give as a gift. This is one of those rosaries where the parts have very specific and personal meaning. Each of the Hail Mary bead colors (turquoise, garnet, amethyst, navy) represent months of birth or anniversary in the recipient's family. The Our Father beads are actually hearts made of hematite. The crucifix and centerpiece came as a set, with the inscription "Holy Spirit pray for us." And I also hung an anchor from the centerpiece as a symbol of the U.S. Navy. This was a fun and unique project to work on. Pegi picked out and acquired all the beads. I just helped with the crucifix and centerpiece.